Thursday, May 28, 2015

Just a Few Pictures I Found Tonight

I found these photos that I had not included on the last post so I wanted to do that.... just a little more of the beginning progress...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Today's Progress

Today we got the air conditioner secured. We put a "frame" inside the walls that was just right for the air conditioner. We screwed the inside wall to the frame, the outside wall to the frame and then the air conditioner to a small piece of wood the perfect size and into the frame in between the walls. This air conditioner is on the side of the camper. It does not hang out anymore than my mirrors do on my van and this is because of the unit I chose. I specifically picked this one so that most of the unit would be inside the camper and because it blows air UP instead of just straight across the floor.
This is why this works for us. I also have seen other pictures of a camper (hard sided) that has an air conditioner just like this one on the side of their camper and it worked as well for them. Here are the pictures of today's progress.

Putting in the frame
Screwing it in from the inside.
Screwing it from the outside now..
Screwing it down to the frame on the top too.
We thought about putting in the foam.. but it didn't fit that well...
So we put the black rubber tape on it like we used on the outside.
Shadow loving the camper life.
Making up Jamie's bed, getting ready to put the camper down.
The outside of the camper with the air and rubber tape on the outside. This will protect it from rain getting inside at all!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Air Conditioner in.. going to be secured tomorrow.. Floor in as well...

We still need the "trim" around the floor to cover up the imperfections and we will secure the air conditioner tomorrow as well. Then just a cabinet to build, and paint the second coat on the roof and we are DONE.. for now at least :D

 Got the floor in today.

 Here you can see the hole we cut out last night.
 I chose this air conditioner for a few reasons.. one there is a SMALL amount of over hand outside of the camper, two most of the air conditioner is inside the camper and three, the air comes out the top and not just out of the front to help get the whole camper cooled down better.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

We got some work done today

We started on the air conditioner. It has a place now but is not completely secured yet. That is for tomorrow. I also started on the flooring. I LOVE it. Here are a few pictures of today's work. Also a little reminder of what it used to look like there...
The kitchen that used to be here.
  Where the air conditioner is going to go.
Measuring out where the toilet is going to stay
  Cutting out the inside wall. Did not get pictures of the out side wall being cut out
Air conditioner going in...
Working on securing the air conditioner.
Started the floor under the air conditioner install so we can secure the air conditioner tomorrow.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Got Something Done Today

My baby and I were working on the camper today.. well.. he did most of it while I supervised and did some of the trim work with the brush. This is what we got done today... Keep in mind this is just the first coat!!

Just going down the center

Top is almost done

Done with First Coat

First coat completed.. I LOVE IT!
It is Almond colored Grizzly Grip.