Saturday, March 14, 2015

List of what we are going to do to the camper.

     Well. I had a list of what needed to be done to the camper and what we wanted to do to the camper. Since I made that first list, the items have changed some. There have been more added to the needed list than before... so some of the wanted items have had to be put on hold for now.

     So, here are the newest lists.. which of course could still change.

Things we Need/Want to do to the camper
  • Replace the wooden floor (and then put in the vinyl flooring that looks like wood and is made for we areas such as basements and bathrooms - we have some leftover from building on to our house so we don't have to buy that).  **We actually changed our minds. We found this floor and purchased it for the camper
  • Repair the roof where it is leaking - rotten wood spots.
  • Get roof sprayed with Line-X (this was what was recommended by our local RV shop).
  • Tear out the kitchen cabinets and replace them with storage box and place for toilet for my son. (several reasons for this) (done)
  • Install air conditioner that we purchased for my son :) (done purchased but won't install until other work is done)
  • Purchase and install new canvas from Bear Creek Canvas. (This will not be this summer).
  • Purchase and install bunk end covers to protect from rain and hold in the air conditioning. (with Velcro under the ends of the roof above the canvas on the bunk ends - Can't afford the PopUp Gizmos right now). (done purchased.. waiting to fix roof before installing)
  • Get new tires and wheels (the ones we have are OK for now).
  • Get new battery - Group 27 DC (deep cycle) marine battery - got it at Walmart. (done)
  • Get battery box (Found mine on Ebay). (done)
  • Get battery cable (also found on Ebay). (done)
  • Replace curtains.
  • Spray the front of the camper frame with Rustoleum (done -  will post pictures tomorrow)
I guess after all of this is done we will pretty much have a brand new camper. Only some of it will still be the parts it came with. I am pretty happy about that.. we won't be getting rid of it any time soon!!!

The links that are included show what items I purchased. I do not make anything on them if you click on the links or purchase these items on your own. I just wanted to share what we are doing for anyone out there that may want or need to do these things as well.
Not all of them have been purchased or will be purchased for this summer. Some of them are things I want to do (like the curtains) but don't really HAVE to do. Some of the items we purchased don't have to do with the rebuild but I included them anyway.

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